Welcome to the Louisville Rose Society!
Louisville Rose Society members are dedicated to sharing their love and knowledge of roses.
Our members have installed and tend a rose garden at the Louisville Zoo with Earthkind Roses (that require no spray and minimal care).
We have garden tours scheduled every season and hold an annual Rose show in the Fall. Our meetings are on the 4th Sunday of each month at 2pm. There is time to speak with growers about your roses and issues or questions your might have.
Annual dues of $20 provides our monthly newsletter, monthly meetings and access to American Rose Society Consulting Rosarians who will provide personal phone consultations. Your membership helps to promote roses in the Louisville area.
Email us at LRSMembership@gmail.com for more information.
Visit us on Facebook: Louisville Rose Society
Upcoming Events:
Monthly Meetings, Private Rose Garden Tours and:
August 17, 2024 Kentucky State Fair Rose Show in the North Wing Lobby
September 10, 2024 Waterfront Botanical Gardens hosts Garden Club of America with Rose Competition
October 5, 2024 Tenarky District Rose Show and Convention, Bowling Green, KY (more info at Tenarky.org)